Эспиноса Хулио Гарсиа
Хулио Гарсиа Эспиноса
Ху́лио Гарси́а Эспино́са (исп. Julio García Espinosa ; 5 сентября 1926, Гавана, Куба — 14 апреля 2016, там же) — кубинский кинорежиссёр, сценарист и продюсер.
В 1951—1954 годах учился в Экспериментальном киноцентре (Рим). Начинал как ассистент режиссёра (1953, «Лёгкие годы», Луиджи Дзампа и др.). Вернувшись на Кубу, стал руководителем секции кино в обществе «Нуэстро Тьемпо» (исп. Nuestro tiempo ) и организовал режиссёрские курсы в Гаване. До 1959 года был членом Комитета по организации подпольных спектаклей . Позже стал руководителем отдела искусств Повстанческой армии. В 1959 году стал одним из организаторов ИКАИКа, вице-президентом которого был до 1976 года. С 1976 года — заместитель министра культуры Кубы. Автор книг и статей, посвящённых теории и практике кинематографа.
Избранная фильмография
- 1955 — Эль Мегано / El mégano
- 1959 — / Esta tierra nuestra
- 1959 — Куба танцует / Cuba baila
- 1962 — Молодой повстанец / El joven rebelde
- 1967 — Приключения Хуана Кинкина / Las aventuras de Juan Quin Quin
- 1978 — / De cierta manera
- 1978 — Они есть или их нет / Son o no son
- 1989 — / La inútil muerte de mi socio Manolo
- 1993 — / El plano
- 1994 — Король и королева / Reina y Rey
- 1998 — / Enredando sombras
- 1959 — / Esta tierra nuestra
- 1962 — Молодой повстанец / El joven rebelde
- 1966 — / El huésped
- 1967 — Приключения Хуана Кинкина / Las aventuras de Juan Quin Quin
- 1968 — Лусия / Lucía
- 1969 — Первый бой мачете / La primera carga al machete
- 1971 — Дни воды / Los días del agua
- 1974 — Хирон / Giron
- 1975 — Битва за Чили: Часть первая / La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas — Primera part…
- 1975 — Другой Франсиско / El otro Francisco
- 1976 — Битва за Чили: Часть вторая / La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas — Segunda part…
- 1978 — / De cierta manera
- 1989 — / La inútil muerte de mi socio Manolo
- 1994 — Король и королева / Reina y Rey
- 2006 — / ZA 05. Lo viejo y lo nuevo
- 1967 — Приключения Хуана Кинкина / Las aventuras de Juan Quin Quin
- 1961 — Приз Кинофестиваля в Карловых Варах («Молодой повстанец»)
- 1967 — номинация на Главный приз V Московского международного кинофестиваля («Приключения Хуана Кинкина»)
- Кино: Энциклопедический словарь / Гл. ред. С. И. Юткевич Москва, Советская энциклопедия, 1987. — с. 90
- http://archives.concordia.ca/espinosa
Эспиноса Хулио Гарсиа
Эспиноса Хулио Гарсиа - выдающаяся личность, чья удивительная история оставляет глубокий след в сердцах людей по всему миру. Этот знаменитый человек прославился своими достижениями и вдохновил многих.
Ранние годы
Изначально Эспиноса Хулио Гарсиа родился в скромной семье в маленьком городке. Его родители всегда поддерживали его стремление к достижению высот и вложили в него уверенность в собственных силах.
Путь к успеху
С самого раннего возраста Эспиноса Хулио Гарсиа проявил потрясающие таланты и способности. Он смело шагал по своему пути, преодолевая все преграды на своем пути. Страсть к творчеству и настойчивость помогли ему достичь невероятных результатов.
Эспиноза Хулио Гарсия биография, новости, фото
Espinosa, Julio García
Julio García Espinosa is a leading facilitator of Cuban cinema. As both film theorist and director, Espinosa has been praised by critics for his integral role in what critics have called the golden decade of Cuban cinema. This work includes his 1969 manifesto “For an Imperfect Cinema,” which helped to define the scope of all Latin American film.
Born in Havana in 1926, he received his education in filmmaking at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome from 1951 to 1954. Espinosa returned to Cuba and worked in film and radio, eventually becoming one of the founding members of the world-renowned Instituto Cubano de las Artes e Industrias (ICAIC).
Espinosa co-directed films with Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, including the short documentary El Mégano about the miserable existence of carboneros. The film was banned by the Batista dictatorship. He also collaborated on scripts for Jorge Fraga, Manuel Octavio Gómez, Humberto Solás, and in 2006 the Argentina-born Fernando Berri.
Espinosa’s films reflect his broad interests, education and experience. His Fellini-like Las aventuras de Juan Quin Quin parodied past cinematic styles and was at the time the most successful Cuban film ever made. It was also described as a high point in his search for a new form of politically committed film. During the Vietnam War, Espinosa traveled over 2,500 miles through the war zone to film the feature-length documentary Tercer mundo, tercera guerra mundial. His special interest in Cuban popular music, which he described as the nation’s strongest cultural expression, was an inspiration for his cabaret film Son o no son.
From 1982 until 1990, Espinosa served as director of the Havana International Latin American Film Festival. In this role, he supported many Latin American filmmakers struggling to work outside of commercial film industries. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2002 by Concordia University in Montreal.
Festivals & Awards:
2002 | Honorary doctorate from Concordia University in Montreal |
Julio García Espinosa 1926-2016
Very sad to hear of the death in Havana of the pioneer of Cuban cinema, Julio García Espinosa, at the age of 89. One of the founding members of Cuba’s film institute, the ICAIC, of which he was President from 1983-91, he was the author of a key manifesto, ‘For an imperfect cinema’ (1969), where he argued that the imperfections of a low budget cinema of urgency, which sought to create a dialogue with its audience, were preferable to the sheen of high production values which merely reflected the audience back to itself.
Julio studied film at the Centro Sperimentale in Rome in the early 50s along with Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, and in 1956 they made a social documentary, ‘El Megano’. It was promptly seized by the secret police, and Julio was taken away for interrogation. ‘Did you make this film?’ he was asked, ‘Do you know this film is a piece of shit?’ ‘Do you know,’ replied Julio, as he later recounted, ‘that it’s an example of neorealism?’ and proceeded to explain. His interrogator listened patiently and then said, ‘Not only is the film a piece of shit, but you also talk a lot of shit. Stop eating shit and go and make films about Batista!’ ‘That’, he recalls, ‘was my first intervention as a theorist!’
His films of the 1960s, both documentary and fiction, soon began to show a strong experimental bent, for which he provided a powerful rationale in his writings. A committed revolutionary, he was not afraid of pursuing his ideas in practice as a public administrator, serving as Vice Minister of Culture from 1982-1990. He was also Director of Cuba’s film school, the EICTV, in 2004-2007.
I shall miss Julio’s ironic sense of humour, and the cheerfulness he maintained during his last years, despite suffering from Parkinson’s. I have an abiding memory of a visit he made to London in the 1980s. He wanted to see the London the tourists never see, so we went to the Isle of Dogs, where Canary Wharf was soon to be built. After walking around, we went into a pub which was empty except for an elderly woman watching a film on television – a thriller. Came a car chase and she observed ‘That’s the third time they’ve gone down the same street!’ When I told Julio what she’d said, he responded with a story. He once put a lot of effort into explaining to a woman in Cuba why Hollywood movies were escapist trash, and she replied, ‘What are you getting so het up about? It’s only a movie!’
A longer appreciation must wait another occasion. I offer here, in homage, a snatch of an interview with Julio, filmed in 1982 for ‘New Cinema of Latin America’ which I made for Channel 4.
- https://school11bor.ru/20e12/%D0%A5%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BE_%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B0_%D0%AD%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B0
- https://legendyru.ru/29409-espinosa-xulio-garsia
- https://www.umass.edu/defa/people/463
- https://www.putneydebater.com/julio-garcia-espinosa-1926-2016/