Габриадзе Леван Резотович биография, новости, фото
Габриадзе Леван Резотович биография, новости, фото
В 1990 году Георгий Данелия дает 21-летнему актеру несколько небольших ролей в фильме «Паспорт» - Леван сыграл человека с цветами, носильщика и доминошника.
Когда в отечественном кино наступил кризис и Габриадзе понял, что перспектив в отрасли почти нет, то уехал в США, поступил на отделение анимации Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе.
В 1995 году актер сыграл в России эпизодическую роль в фильме Данелии «Орел и решка», а потом сам решил стать режиссером.
В 2000 году Леван Габриадзе возвращается в Россию, где начинает снимать рекламные ролики и занимает пост режиссера рекламы в киностудию Тимура Бекмамбетова «Базелевс».
В 2010 году Скрипач снимает свой первый фильм – комедию «Выкрутасы», главные роли в котором сыграли Константин Хабенский и Мила Йовович. Через год Бекмамбетов приглашает Габриадзе в проект «Ёлки» в качестве одного из режиссеров. В 2015 году Леван снимает второй полнометражный фильм «Убрать из друзей», который продюсировала американская студия Universal.
В 2017 году Леван Габриадзе снял свою последнюю на сегодняшний день работу – мультфильм «Знаешь, мама, где я был?» по сценарию своего отца Резо Габриадзе.
53-летний Леван Габриадзе живет и работает в Москве. Он занимает пост художественного руководителя Театра марионеток имени Резо Габриадзе.
Габриадзе Леван Резотович биография, новости, фото
Информационный порталдля профессионалов кинобизнеса в фокусе:
кассовых сборов
№51 уикенд 14.12.2023 - 17.12.2023
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28 134 111 руб.
15 336 963 руб.
10 013 477 руб.
9 578 358 руб.
8 790 977 руб.
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Габриадзе Леван Резотович
Родился в 1969 году в Тбилиси в семье кинодраматурга и художника Резо Габриадзе и музыканта Елены Габриадзе.
Детство провел на съемочных площадках и за кулисами Театра марионеток. Работал в мастерских театра и в студиях художников. В 12 лет создал свой домашний теневой театр.
В 1986 г. был приглашен на одну из главных ролей в фильм «Кин-дза-дза» (роль - «скрипач» Гедэван). По окончании съемок поступил в Театральный институт им. Шота Руставели, в котором за годы учебы занимался сценографией и актерским мастерством.
Служил в армии, в войсках противовоздушной обороны.
В 1990 году поступил в Лос-Анджелесе в Калифорнийский университет на факультет Дизайна и анимации (UCLA). По окончании университета открыл дизайн-студию «Дижитал Джипсис» в Лос-Анджелесе. В течение 6 лет занимался созданием графического дизайна и анимационной графики.
В 2000 г. переезжает в Москву, где становится соучредителем и режиссером кинокомпании «Базелевс», которая на сегодняшний день является одним из ведущих в России производителей рекламы и кино.
В 2007 году открыл студию дизайна «Bold».
Паспорт (1990)
Кин-дза-дза! (1986)
Выкрутасы (2011)
Despite its small size, Geneva rivals London and Paris as a major shopping destination in Europe. Geneva specializes in the finer things in life and, though they are not cheap, the selection is staggering and makes for world class window shopping – practically a national sport in Switzerland.
Most retail stores are open throughout the day, however many service shops close for lunch between 12:00 and 14:00 during the week. Most stores, including grocery stores, do not stay open past 19:00 on weekdays, past 18:00 on Saturdays and are closed on Sundays, so plan wisely to avoid frustration.
Shops open on Sunday
Open Monday-Sunday are Migros at the Airport (till 22:00) and Migros at Gare Cornavin (till 22:00, parking at Gare Cornavin parking garage). Smaller selection of foods and groceries is to be found at Migrolino's gas stations. If You want to do a serious shopping on Sunday, head to French towns across the borders such as Annemasse, Thoiry or Ferney-Voltaire, where supermarkets stay open on Sunday until 12h00.
Geneva’s watch industry dates back to mid 1600’s and Geneva remains a world leader with many top brand watchmakers located right in the city, including Patek Phillipe, Frank Muller, Swatch, Omega and Piaget, just to name a few. Don’t expect a discount, but the quality is immaculate and the designs second to none.
Expace Temps
Rue du Mont Blanc 13
Rue du Mont Blanc 22
Franck Muller
Rue de la Tour de I’lle 1
Patek Phillippe
Rue du Rhone 41
Rue du Mont Blanc 19
Rue du Rhone 40
Place des Bergues 1
Orfeo by Christ
Rue de Cornavin 6
Rue de Coutance 4
Why should I buy this $100 000 watches?
Because You cannot take Your jacht to the restaurant.
Geneva is a chocolate lover’s paradise. You need only skip off to the local grocery store to find a delectable assortment of Swiss morsels. For the ultimate experience check out one of the many decorative specialty shops featuring everything from truffles to chocolate stuffed pastries and fruits.
Rue de Rive 4
The best ever! During the Christmas You have a line of 50 people waiting. Famous for almond chocolate (amandes princesse) taste so delicious!
Coop City
5 Rue du Commerce
Christian Constant
Place du Marche 23
Arn Chocolatierie
Bourg-de-Four 12
Cartier Patisserie Confiserie Chocolaterie
Route de Suisse 38
Place du Molard 3
Souvenir Shops
Rue du Rhone 45
Rue du Mont Blanc 11
Badec S.A.
Rue de Lausanne 39
Rue Chantepoulet 9
Molard Souvenirs
Rue de la Croix d'Or 1
Music shops
Bongo Joe Records
Record shop/café for music lovers
Place des Augustins 9, open Wed-Sat 11am - 6pm or 7pm.
Small but cozy shop with hand made cosmetics, mostly for the baths, which sweet smell spread across the Rue du Marche where it is located.
Fancy, miscellaneous
Fouchault l'Opticien SA
Rue du Vieux-Collège 5, 1204 Genève
Boutique where people come to buy the best quality and fancy glasses, You won't find anywhere else except Paris, London and New York.
Design, old school and fashion glasses.
Clothing – Fashion is king in Geneva and there is no shortage of places to check out the latest threads from around the world. Stop into one of many the clothing boutiques in the city center for a one of a kind piece or head to Plainpalais or the Paquis for second hand retro wear.
Bon Génie - 7 floors of fancy fashionable clothes of high aspiration, located at Rue du Marché 34.
Tobacco – Unlike much of Europe, smoking is still in vogue in Geneva. Havana cigars, unique lighters, antique pipes and other accessories can be found in tobacco shops throughout the city.
Leather Goods – Leather goods are popular imports from neighboring Italy. Handbags run a close second to shoes as the most popular leather items for sale.
Antiques and Art – Antique dealers abound in this crossroads of Europe with special attention to pieces originating in 19th century France. The Plaine de Plainpalais flea market has some great deals, while the Old Town is stocked with top shelf examples of European craftsmanship.
Bike2fold is a shop with fancy, ultra modern foldable bicycles, cargo bikes, priced at CHF 1300 and more. Such a foldable bicycle fits into the luggage, thus alternative shopping item to take home with You.
Satoriz Bio Shop
Popular healthy shop including all kinds of bio eco products and famers produce such as fresh fruits and veggies, dried fruits and nuts, milk, cheese, bread.
Shopping Streets and Areas
City Center – Extending from the banking district to Eaux Vives, the parallel streets of Rue du Rhone and Rue du Marche (becoming Rue du Rive further east) make up Geneva’s most famous shopping district. Designer retail stores and world famous watchmakers line the streets packed with window shoppers. Often resembling a fashion runway, the area is also great for people watching.
Rue du Mont Blanc – Although not as fashionable as the City Center, there is an equally large selection of clothing and jewelry on display along Rue du Mont Blanc and its surrounding streets. This is also the best area in the city to pick up souvenirs such as Swiss pocket knives, chocolates and other Swiss knick-knacks.
The Old Town – If you’re looking for art or antiques, the Old Town is the place for you. The Grand Rue is the primary shopping street but don’t be afraid to get lost in one of the Old Town’s many winding alleys because every turn promises a new surprise. Many antique shops are museums unto themselves filled with relics dating back to Geneva’s medieval days.
Rue des Paquis – Filled with trendy vintage clothing stores and interesting ethnic boutiques, the Paquis is home to the best bargains in the city. Sex shops, bookstores, jewelry, kitchenware, antiques and oriental rugs are just a few of the staple goods available.
Outdoor Markets
Geneva’s open air markets offer a great alternative to the high priced world of retail as well as a chance to mingle with the locals. Bargaining is generally appropriate for non food items if done with a smile.
Plaine de Plainpalais – The largest outdoor flea market Geneva where locals go to hawk their old and often valuable 'junk', be it paintings, records, dish sets, antiques or vintage clothing. Wednesdays and Saturday from 08:00 to 17:00.
On Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays the huge farmers market is taking place here.
Boulevard Helvetique – Outdoor farmers market with fresh fruit and vegetables from local farmers. Wednesday and Saturday mornings only.
Place du Molard – Daily flower market.
Place de la Fusterie - Regional handicrafts from throughout Switzerland and France. Thursdays only.
Place de la Madeleine - Clothes and book market. Open daily during spring and summer.
Rue des Grottes – Popular farmers market. Thursdays 14:00 – 20:00.
Halles de Rive – Food market featuring gourmet Swiss, French and Italian specialties.
Place du Marche – Friendly local market in Carouge’s largest public square. Wednesdays and Saturdays only.
Department Stores and Malls
Centre Balexert
Location: Ave Louis-Casai 27; 022 9790202
The largest and best mall in Geneva with over 110 stores including designer outlets, a grocery store and a movie theater.
Manor Department Store
Location: Rue Cornavin 6; 022 909 4699
The largest department store chain in Switzerland with everything you need under one roof from electronics to cosmetics. The ground floor food market is a popular lunch spot for people on the go.
Confederation Centre Shopping Mall
Location: Rue de la Confederation 8; 022 311 5292
Centrally located along Geneva’s main shopping street with 53 stores and restaurants. Lots of baked goodies on sale throughout the center.
Globus Department Store
Location: Rue de Rhone 48; 022 319 5050
Perhaps the ritziest shopping center in Geneva with lots of designer labels and high end jewelry as well as gourmet grocery store on the ground floor complete with wine cellar.
Planete Charmilles
Location: Promenade de L’Europe 11; 022 949 7790
A practical mall for getting all your chores done in one place including dry cleaning, pet grooming, film developing, a hair salon and a grocery store.
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